Freedom Is Just Another Word...

Ted being Ted…And to those of you whom don’t like Ted being Ted…What do you do for the 2nd Amendment? Thats what I shut up!!

Guns save lives. 911 tape from Mother defending home and children. Now tell me you gun grabbing anti freedom douche bags what outcome do you think would have occurred and is that what you wanted!!!

Just because I lurves a good conspiracy…

WHO THE HECK uploaded a “tribute to the sandy hook shooting” on November 10, 2012???? The shooting was on December 14th..

this time stamp for sure does not lie… vimeo.. look at their other uploads as well

here is the link.. this is smoking gun proof of people knowing beforehand the shooting..

Freedoms Last Stand…

Gun owners — get ready.  All indications are that Obama is about to bring the hammer down.  It’s going to get down and dirty…

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