Freedom Is Just Another Word...

This week's Franken's Friday Fail comes once again from the facebook page of one Al
                                It's a Facebook post promoting a petition to raise the minimum wage. In the post, Franken argues that such a move
would give our economy a shot in the arm.

This week’s Franken’s Friday Fail comes once again from the Facebook page of one Al Franken. 

It’s a Facebook post promoting a petition to raise the minimum wage. In the post, Franken argues that such a move would “give our economy a shot in the arm.” 

Well, as you know, Al Franken and Barack Obama have spent the last six years tampering with the free market, and just look where that’s gotten us: record unemployment, massive numbers leaving the work force altogether, and ObamaCare wreaking havoc with the finest health care system in the world. 

I’d also refer you to an interview Microsoft founder Bill Gates — someone who knows a thing or two about job creation — gave earlier this year in which he makes mince-meat of Franken’s minimum wage argument. Gates said: 

“You have to be a bit careful: If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging…

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